Look at me, another post! I'm really starting to like this! So, I was trying to sew myself a needle case last month and I broke my sewing machine - split ten (yes, I said 10) sewing machine needles on it. Got fed up, and went shopping.
Thought I might find something at a LYS that wasn't riduculously overpriced...that didn't happen. And then I just happened to stop by a local Mall to browse for whatever came my way.
I found this nice little number at The Body Shop. It's actually a make-up brush holder, but it seems to hold my dpn's quite well, don't you think? It was a gift with purchase, and had some brushes in it. I keep my brushed in a jar, so figured this makes a nice home for my needles.

The needles on the left are pretty big - 11's and 10 1/2's and they fit 5 per pocket. The little needles towards the right are about 4's (for the socks that I still haven't tried to knit) and they fit in the smaller pockets. I love this little case! I didn't take a photo of it, but Sephora had this nice little cylinder-shaped makeup bag that I keep all my stitch markers and trinkets in as well, for only $10!! I am a thrifty shopper!!!
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