Accident number one - I realized my heel flap did not have enough rows...so I couldn't pick up the required number of stitches. Plus, I felt like I should have made the sock a little longer in the leg this time..I was so excited to get started that I made it short. Really, really short.

Accident number two - this happened last night. I got into my four inches of 2x2 ribbing. Started the heel flap, got about halfway through and somehow managed to drop a stitch in there. I ripped back, and I HATE RIPPING BACK RIBBING. And managed to drop several stitches several rows down. I'm going to try to salvage it...again. But we'll see. I want to make a jaywalker sock so bad, that I almost want to say screw it to this one! But, I should do a simpler pattern first, right??

Last shot of the day - I lucked out at the grocery store and got some super yummy strawberries. We are starting to get some ripening in my garden, too!
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