We got there around 9 a.m. - VERY crowded. In fact, the main road inside the festival looked like this:

I went straight to The Fold to get some Socks that Rock, and found this:

So I had to get in line. There were actually two lines:

But, in 1 hour and 45 minutes, I made it through and bought this:
That would be Socks that Rock from left to right in Jewel of the Nile, Sherbet, Hard Rock, Waterlilies and Romancing the Stone. Some very nice ladies standing in line in front of me (and I forgot to ask for their names so I aplogize) grabbed the Hard Rock and Sherbet for me as I couldn't even get to that side of the booth. In the line to buy, I met a nice girl from Chicago with her non-knitting sister there who had a Green Gable in blue on! Very pretty!
That day was so much fun! We only stayed until around 1 p.m. - and the Socks that Rock are all that I purchased - some for me, some for gifts. Oh, and in keeping with the sock theme...I actually starting knitting something new, but that's for another post!
I want the Sherbet so badly! I almost ordered the other day, but I was able to hold off. I'm just not sure how long.
that romancing the stone looks GORGEOUS. i'm jeaaalouuuuus. ;)
I am so jealous! I keep reading in blogs about people who got to go! When I can afford to travel halfway across the country for yarn (who am I kidding, I can't afford to travel halfway across the country for anything, though yarn is a very worthy cause!) I will definitely be there. Such is the life of the eternal college student.
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