My secret pal - She sent me a postcard from Vermont! She was vacationing there, and it sounds like she had a great time. The photo on the postcard was a beautiful fall shot of red and orange leaves. She kind of left me a hint - that where she lives, it gets brown....wonder what that means??
Knitting - oh yes, I knit! Last night, I almost finished my fingerless mitts. I just need to finish the thumb part on the last mitt. It's just 1x1 fib for five rows, and it's only 11 stitches. I should have done it last night, but I was watching...
Grey's Anatomy - Thank goodness for that ending!! I don't want to ruin anything if you haven't seen it, but I was going to scream if Derrick saw McSteamy at the bar and walked out! I was also going to stop watching the show if McSteamy and Mer hooked up. I haven't been in love with the show this year like I was the last two years, but that episode seemed more like old times for me! Mer/Der all the way - can't wait for that steamy bathtub scene next week!
Work - I've been having some trouble with someone at work. Because I don't know who reads this blog, I'm not going to say who it is, but let's just say that today I am making a really assertive move to get the problem to stop. We'll see what happens. I'm out of the office all next week because...
Business trips - I'm heading to Salt Lake City for a business trip. I think it's going to be a fun conference. I have about half a day of sight-seeing time, so I'm going to try to hit up some yarn and bead shops while I'm out there. If anybody knows of some good ones, leave me a comment!
So that means I will not be able to post the week of Nov. 13-17. Stay tuned for an update later in November and since I'm doing a significant amount of flying, I should be able to get some knitting done!!
Have fun on your work trip - I hear Salt Lake is beautiful!
Hi, it's the 15th so I'm checking in. I hope you are having plenty of knitting time while in SLC.
Secret Pal
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