
Too much to say, too little time to say it

O.k. - I limped around on Thursday and Friday, was fine on Saturday, and had some serious pain in my ankle on Sunday. I'm still waiting to hear from the doctor on whether or not I'll have to wear a boot, but I'm thinking that I won't have to.

In the knitting world, I've been doing lots of things. I mentioned last week that I started my first sock with the yarn my SP sent me. I haven't taken photos because I just haven't gotten around to it yet.

However, I do have photos of several things that I want to share, except that I don't know if I should post my yarn store photos or my new project photos.

Well, I owe the yarn store photos, so we'll start with that. I'm going to extend the post over several days because there are lots of photos.
The yarn store that I go to in St. Louis is called Meyer's House Weaving Department. The house is old, and on the National Register of Historic Places. A little know fact is that plans for a major on-ramp for Interstate I-170 in St. Louis had to be changed because this house was here and couldn't be torn down.

This old house is the yarn store. Well, that's not entirely true. The second floor is the yarn store. The first floor has fabrics, and then, there is this:

That would be the barn. That is important for two reasons. The first being clearance yarn, which is ABUNDANT. I think that their clearance yarn is 40% off, but I don't remember. There always seems to be a lot of novelty yarn in there, which is fine by me! The second reason that barn is important is because it has food. Actually - it has a restaurant in it. I've never actually eaten there, but it's usually packed with people.

Tomorrow - photos of actual yarn. They have six large rooms filled floor to ceiling with yarn!

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