
and my next trick is...

Look at this! Another post - and it's simply the next day. I'm so proud of myself.

I know I'm the type of person who will at times drop off the face of the planet with this, but that's o.k. I'll always be back.

I haven't quite decided what kind of blog this is going to be. I'm technologically-challenged, so it will be interesting to see what I learn. I'm kind of thinking this should be a little about the knitting that I do, or maybe about the massive change in my life I am about to undertake due to my (forthcoming) dedication to healthier lifestyle. Who knows.

I tried to google this blog today from work, and it didn't come up. I don't know why, so I'm not sure that anyone can find it. If anyone out there has read this, please leave a comment, only to let me know that I'm being watched.

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