
Thoughts on...

White Feathers - I found one this weekend. I'm not sure if it's from my Uncle or my Grandpa, but it was AMAZING. J and I were leaving my mom's house to visit his sister, and we just happened to stop and there it was! The feeling of peace that overcame me was wonderful!

Eating right and exercising - Doing great there so far. I did a 45 minute kickboxing class last night, then went on a 30 minute walk to loosen my muscles up. Today is weight training. Fun! Food isn't that much of an issue yet, except yesterday I wasted 600 calories on chocolate - too much! Today's menu is better because I'm eating mostly fruits and veggies all day so I can enjoy chinese tonight.

The Secret - Have you heard the hype on this book? I read it, it's interesting. I'm living by the principles right now.

Work - I've been so busy lately. I feel like if one thing goes wrong, I will miss a ton of deadline and make some clients very angry. It's fulfilling work for the most part, but a little bit frustrating. That's o.k. though, because exercise helps me de-stress.

Travel - There is a lot of travel coming up for me over the next few weeks. We're home the next three weekends, then going to St. Louis for two weekends, then back here for two, then to Washington D.C., then back for two, then to St. Louis for one, then back for two, then New York City for one, then back...and that takes us up until July 4th! TOO MUCH TRAVEL!

Pictures - I lost my digital camera sometime after I took a bike ride with it on the 10th. I remember bringing it back into the house, but don't know where it went after that. I have my dad's camera that I'm borrowing, but I haven't even attempted to use it yet so no photos for a little while!

1 comment:

Monica said...

thanks for the welcome back :)... I promise to be a better blogger from now on!

Love the log cabin... I finished mine finally, but I wove my ends in after each round so it wasn't too bad. By the end of it, I was so freaking tired of garter stitch I could have stabbed myself.